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Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley

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Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley Empty Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley

Beitrag  Gast Mo 09 Aug 2010, 12:07

Besondere Überraschung und spezieller Ring*Con Countdown !!!

In Zusammenarbeit mir Charlie Bewley haben wir in den nächsten 10 Wochen jede Woche etwas ganz besonderes für euch.

- Question Of The Week -

Sendet uns eure Fragen an Charlie !!!

Ihr könnt uns ab sofort eure Fragen an Charlie senden, der dann jede Woche, bis zur Ring*Con, Europas größter Fantasy Convention, die vom 15. - 17.10.2010 im Bonner Maritim Hotel stattfinden wird, eine eurer Fragen beantworten wird. Sendet uns eure interessanten, originellen oder auch lustigen Fragen. (Es gibt keine Grenzen... die Fragen können sich um die Twilight Saga drehen, es können Fragen zu seinen anderen Projekten gestellt werden, oder aber auch persönliche Fragen zur Person könnt ihr uns gerne senden.) Die beste Frage, die wir - in der ersten Runde - bis zum 13.08.2010 erhalten, leiten wir an Charlie weiter und sie wird dann von ihm höchstpersönlich beantwortet. Die zweite Runde startet dann auch sofort am 13.08.2010. Wir werden euch aber immer noch rechtzeitig an die Abgabefristen und die nächsten Runden erinnern. ;)

Charlies Antwort werden wir selbstverständlich in den News posten!

Bitte sendet eure Fragen an:

Wir freuen uns schon auf eure Fragen!!! (Ihr könnt uns jede Woche bis zu 3 Fragen senden)

Es wäre super, wenn ihr dies auch unter die News packen könntet!!!



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Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley Empty Re: Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley

Beitrag  Gast Di 31 Aug 2010, 13:27

Wollte nur mal zwischendurch anmerken, dass der Ring*Con Countdown bisher super läuft.. Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley 582515

Die Zeit bis zur Con vergeht zum Glück recht schnell.. es sind nur noch ca 6 Wochen. Kanns gar nicht glauben.

Naja, hier mal die 2 bisherigen Fragen und Antworten:

Charlie, your energy is contagious and the way you view life makes you sound wise beyond your years. Have you ever considered writing a book to inspire people to better themselves and follow up on their dreams?

Charlie Bewley:

Simply answered: even if i thought a book could help people, I do not have enough time to convince someone else to write a book on me right now...

Further to that, I believe I can bring to the masses a healthy dose of mind-expanding reality in a much more palatable format than yet another self-help shelf-filler. I dunno, maybe a pop-up version could increase appeal...

Further to thaaat, as much as I have beliefs and philosophies - they exist on a subconscious level most of the time; packaged as a feeling, a gut instinct might be how they manifest in any given situation: Instinct, important to me. And because i trust my impulses and am happy to face the consequences of my actions, i move forward very quickly - not getting stuck on things cause they might scare me. Don't allow things to scare you: embrace the fear and move thru them.

For now, I only attempt to decode and vocalize this so-called wisdom when called upon: it's in its "Magnum-state", and hence why i am incomprehensible to some people, sometimes. To those I say... "I don't want to spend my whole life explaining myself. You either get it or you don't".

People ask for help, I can throw them a few pearls, but it will take some serious introspective, isolated and celibate Nepal-time before I can safely understand the deeper basement floors of subtext enough to give birth to a viable spiritual tool, safe enough to install as an across-the-board iPhone app.... which, I suppose is the ultimate medium-term goal, spiritually-speaking.

First though, I need to save myself, from myself.

You might be losing me, but the fact is that I allowed myself to live a ridiculous life. I opened my mind up to everything. I journeyed in the direction of all my fears and became scared of nothing as I just saw life for what it is: a drop in the ocean of eternity, no real relevance in the grandest scheme of things...

...think for a second about what is immediately important to you... now realize, in the context of forever, how inconsequential many of these meanderings are (as inconsequential as mine were). And that is a freeing thought if you allow yourself to drop in deep enough.

But when you are free (truly free), things become clearer. You understand the World better, the way it works and everything in it. With the correct application of this knowledge you have power, only then you can think about manipulating the World so that you enjoy the time you are blessed with here, in whichever way you seem fit; in whichever way would make you happy.

In interviews you've often mentioned that you have ADD (or ADHD =Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Did you ever feel it has prevented you from achieving goals when you were younger? How do you deal with it every day and how does it manifests in your life? Are you taking, or have you ever taken drugs against it?

Charlie Bewley:

There comes a point in life when you add up everything you have done and you are either happy or not. I think they call it a mid-life crisis... if they don't, I do.

"I don't want to wake up at 40 and think, 'I never...." were the words that came out of her mouth. I couldn't argue. Something about what she had just said resonated deep within me. I didn't know it at the time, but what she had just said would ring in my ears for years to come.

This was the beginning of my quarter-life crisis. I had been woken up to the lack of progression in my own life.

Not to say that what I had done before that had been wasteful - quite the opposite; at any given waking moment you are either absorbing, processing or regurgitating... and I didn't talk much as a kid... So something was happening.

I had extreme energy, I needed to run around and be present with my world.... my parents duly provided me a small disused farm to unleash on when my cot (and forehead) had taken enough of a hammering. I loved my home, my dens, my booby traps and sport. I was aggressive, passionate, spirited and short-tempered.

I am that warrior still, waiting for my good fight. Most sleep, I wait.

So ADHD.... I was coming to it, trust me.

The fact was that I never got diagnosed with the ailment. I just got perpetually labelled as highly promising, yet lazy. Easy for the teachers to just throw that out there, a little empathy could have gone a long way to bringing me straight all those years ago.

But I don't regret one of my issues, problems or mistakes as a kid. In contrast, I am proud of all the mistakes I made and how I dealt with myself in the wake of them. I am a sum total of all these mistakes and ADD and everything else and hence my life experience is rich. I said it before, be fearless of making mistakes.

When you accept that everything happened for a reason and you are a wonderful equals sign at the end of an impossible equation... you can move forward. OWN your equation. You are you and you have not wasted one minute, ever.

My biggest barrier had always been my inability to concentrate on one thing unless it was a matter of high-stakes-on-the-line-right-now, or instant gratification; in short, I can only exist in the present, which is a more palatable way of defining ADD... I found myself drawn to anyone doing their work with passion and presence; aura, energy - my mum is a hippy and doesn't exist in this modern world... I am simply her, trying to conquer. My mind fried, all those years of distraction had made me love everything about the world; a world too big and too juicy to pigeon-hole myself.

Frustrated, I added it up:

I love everything + I have a short attention span + much energy + lack of fear + extreme ambition + total independence + a unique personality born of years of doing things differently =


It made complete sense. All I did was ADD it all up.

I am not saying that everyone with ADD should do this... And there is still hard work involved within the craft which I still struggle with sometimes because of my ADD. But I lead a life which is constantly changing, adventuresome and full of enforced learning. Sick of being told to learn, I jumped in the deep end all the time.

I could talk about this forever and I don't think that I even answered the question properly. Yes I once took Methylphenidate for my ADD and it worked. I want to try all the rest but I believe I have what it takes inside me to circumnavigate the problem thru logic.

I wish I had time to talk more, but I was never good with deadlines..... I wish I could go and speak about this sometime; there's so much more.

For now, I'm just going to press send; jump in the deep end.

Anmerkung: ADD (zu Deutsch ADS oder ADHS = Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung = Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS), die auch als Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätssyndrom oder Hyperkinetische Störung (HKS) bezeichnet wird, ist eine bereits im Kindesalter beginnende psychische Störung , die sich durch Probleme mit derAufmerksamkeit sowie Impulsivität und häufig auch Hyperaktivität auszeichnet. Etwa drei bis zehn Prozent aller Kinder zeigen Symptome im Sinne einer ADHS. Jungen sind deutlich häufiger betroffen als Mädchen. Die Symptome können mit unterschiedlicher Ausprägung bis in das Erwachsenenalter hinein fortbestehen.

Charlie hat auch selber schon Werbung für die Aktion gemacht.. Also ich denke, der Ring*Con Countdown ist wirklich ein voller Erfolg. Haben schon viele Rückmeldungen erhalten, von Leuten, die leider nicht zur Con kommen können, sich deshalb umso mehr über die Aktion freuen oder aber auch von Leuten, die zur Con gehen, und sich mit dem Countdown noch mehr freuen und vorbereiten können. Ring*Con Countdown mit Charlie Bewley 582515 Und sie haben halt nun jede Woche etwas, worauf sie sich freuen können und somit, wie gesagt, vergeht die Zeit bis zur Convention schneller^^


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